Welcome to level 5
You have to move the box ( 1 ) and then the cabinet ( 2 )
to get access to the door. Once done, go to room#2
Go check the key pad.
Here is the key pad into details. The sequence to type is:
B2, B3, C3, A4, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C4, C3, B2, C2,
A1, B3, B2, B2, C1, B3, A4, B1, C3, C4, A1, C3, B2, A2
You have unlocked something that is in room#1. Go back there
Move back the cabinet ( 1 ) and the box ( 2 ) to the original position,
to get access to...
... the small panel. Open it...
...And pick up the key which is into it. Then go back to room#2
like you did before by moving the box and then the cabinet.
Just open the door with the key. Yahoo!
Now you can go to level6